Installation of ventilation systems
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Installation of ventilation systems

Ventilation is one of the constituent parts of the modern dwelling, office or process areas. Together with air conditioners ventilation equipment help generate a comfort microclimate making life, rest and work more pleasant and comfortable. Contemporary ventilation systems not only maintain circulation of fresh air but also provide a set temperature and humidity indoors.

“Baltic Engineering Systems” engineer, assemble and maintain ventilation units in country houses and process areas of St. Petersburg and region. We have accumulated a deep knowledge in the field of engineering of ventilation systems and deserved positive opinions from our customers.

In case that you have planned to install a ventilation system in your cottage or country house you should know that different premises require different ventilation conditions. For example, a ventilation unit for a swimming pool or sauna serves to remove moisture surplus. Should the unit be installed closely to the fireplace, then it serves to back the flame. It is also necessary to remove bad odors and exhaust gases from a garage or toilet. Living rooms are equipped with ventilation systems for fresh air inflow.

Types of ventilation systems

By the pressure generation and air flow

Mechanically forced ventilation

Natural ventilation

By the function

Exhaust ventilation

Input ventilation

By the air exchange

Zonal or general ventilation

Smoke ventilation and emergency ventilation

By the design

Channel ventilation

Ductless ventilation


In country houses input-exhaust combined systems are generally used although both input or exhaust systems may be used separately.

Input ventilation

Air from outside flows through the air inlet system, then air is cleaned from contaminations by filtration. Before flowing inside air is cooled or heated. Air ducts provide air flowing inside. There are also air grids or open doors which allow air to transit from one room into the other.

In cold season air from outside is heated, that’s why such a system of input ventilation is equipped with a calorifer (electrically or water forced). To maintain air temperature at a comfort level in summer time input ventilations are combined with air conditioners. A ventilation system feed the air from outside while a conditioner cools it. There are options to deliver fresh air from outside in a cooled state.

Exhaust ventilation

The easiest system used in all kitchens, toilets and bathrooms. It is usually used to remove contaminated air or bad odors from the premises. The scheme of this type of ventilation is the following: a negative pressure is generated and then the air from outside flows passing small windows or other openings.

A negative pressure is generated both by the ventilators installed in the air ducts or by air transition up to the roof side where pressure is lower than indoors. Unfortunately, availability of the exhaust ventilation is limited dye to the installed plastic-reinforced widows which are closed quite tightly what prevents the air from getting inside in the necessary amount.

Input-exhaust ventilation systems

These are the most efficient systems. Air exhaustion and input are carried out simultaneously. The main advantage of such a system is the predictability. In the previous examples mentioned the air circulation is absolutely free and may not be enough.

 When using input-exhaust ventilation systems air may be delivered to every room in the necessary amount. Moreover, such systems provide heat recuperation (the use of the heat from the removed air) what contributes to saving energy. Sometimes the use of recuperation units contributes to cancel using air conditioners and calorifers.

How we install ventilation

The process of assembly consists of three steps:

  1. Preparatory step. Engineering of technical requirements, choosing the type of ventilation, purchasing equipment. The project is engineered by the qualified engineers pursuant to the SNips (Construction norms and regulations).
  2. Installation. Installation of equipment, laying air conduits, mounting air distributing units and adjusting of automatic control systems.
  3. Set-up works. When the assembly process is finished it is necessary to check the performance – air ducts characteristics as well as compliance of the results to the technical requirements. In case of defects found it is necessary to make adjustments.

Functionality and compliance of the results to the set parameters is the landmark of our installation work. We install equipment of any complexity and provide our clients with a set of any modifications according to their inquiries. Moreover, our company provides service maintenance.

Our top-ranked specialists will help you find the engineering solutions for your projects.

Call +7(812)740-47-75 or write to info@bengs.ru.

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