News of engineering systems, Bosh Thermotechnik to run the training for assemblers and engineers
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Bosh Thermotechnik to run the training for assemblers and engineers


Bosh Thermotechnik Junkers is running training and refresher courses for organizations, assemblers and engineers of heating systems. The focus of the courses is to boost professional skills and experience.

“We would like the specialists to stop being afraid of modern sophisticated and large-sized equipment,” says Friedhelm Traut, the Chief of management and international liaison department of Junkers Deutschland.

 The training program 2014 is focused on hybrid heating supply systems, planning and assembly of heating systems in the apartment houses.

The advantages of the system will be examined based on relevant examples to boost both the level of knowledge and experience.

The two parts of the training course – theory and practice - will be closely interacted, so to say, that the theoretic course of the hydraulic units for heating will be put into practice right away.

Moreover, the future specialists on heating supply assembly will be taught working with Junkers ServicePro software which helps run diagnostics and maintenance.

 Source: www.c-o-k.ru

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